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Our New Morro Bay Roastery


We started our journey with HoneyCo Coffee in a cramped warehouse in San Luis Obispo back in 2014, which served as our roasting facility for nine years. Recently, we've transitioned to a larger and more fitting facility that we now share with our sister company, Scout Coffee.

In 2021, we embarked on our most ambitious project to date by acquiring the old Bank of America building in downtown Morro Bay. We are currently compiling all the details of the complete remodel, but in the meantime, you can get an idea of the transformation with some behind-the-scenes photos on the Scout website. Link Here - Morro Bay Photo Story

As our time at the old warehouse drew to a close, our dependable San Franciscan 25lb roaster was running near constantly. We desperately needed more capacity, and opted for a top-of-the-line Loring Kestrel 35 Kilo at the new facility, effectively quadrupling our roasting capacity. We also are excited to finally offer visitors a view of the roasting process through the cafe's viewing windows.

If you haven't had the chance to check out our new space yet, we've included some photos for you to see below. We’d love to welcome you in person sometime soon too!




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