Ethiopia Shanta Golba
Berries // Citrus // Sweet Floral
We are happy to offer another great washed Agaro: Ethiopia Shanta Golba. This washed coffee has flavor notes of summer stone fruit and sweet floral aromas, rounded out by a lighter body in line with most of our favorite coffees from the region.
About Yukro Information from our partners at Red Fox Coffee Importers:
Yukro is sourced from 579 smallholder farmers in Ethiopia’s Agaro region in Oromia in the Jimma zone. Our oldest relationship in Ethiopia and one of our oldest in the world, Agaro is in Western Ethiopia.
They’re the earliest Ethiopian coffees we bring in each year, with harvest in January and first shipments arriving as early as February depending on the year. They’re not early-harvest, they’re from Western Ethiopia, which has an earlier growing season. In the weeks following arrival, all coffees bloom over a period of weeks or months, but Agaros are special, continuing to open up for 6+ months after arrival and peaking in flavor for a magically long period post-arrival. We find it even more special that these coffees, which come in first, also hold up the longest.
Processing is beyond meticulous in Agaro. After Penagos processing equipment mechanically removes most of the fruit and mucilage from the seeds, they soak overnight in fiberglass tanks, allowing any remaining sugars to be fully removed from their surface so that the coffees are perfectly clean by the time they hit the drying beds for the 8+ days they’ll need to dry.
Like the rest of Ethiopia, Jimma is divided into several woredas (districts) and kebeles (communities) with washing stations throughout—each offering unique terroir. The Geera woreda is one of them, and within it lies the Wanja Kersa kebele, housing the Yukro washing station.
At the Yukro washing station, the coffees are washed and mechanically depulped, then soaked overnight.
After fermentation, coffee is dried for 6 to 8 hours a day over 6 to 8 days on raised beds, with frequent turning for even drying.
The area of Wanja Kersa is characterized by high rainfall distributed across the whole growing season. The harvest season usually goes from mid-October to late January and the farms are located at soaring altitudes that range from 1800-2200 masl. The community’s main source of income is coffee, which they grow on very small farms ranging from 0.1 to 2 hectares.
Region: Agaro
Variety: Ethiopia Landraces
Altitude: 1800-2200 masl
Process: Fully washed, organically grown, and dried in the sun on elevated tables